Agile Response by ‘Essential Services’ Through COVID-19 Pandemic
Hardly business as usual, as our country shifts to physically distance while socially, economically and emotionally connected. ZOOM was an early beneficiary as usage soared from millions to hundreds of millions in the first weeks. And now some reality sets in as that boom goes to backlash after hacks. But CEO Yuan is responding well and transparently, acknowledging the issues born of exponential scaling, installing password requirements and virtual ‘waiting rooms’ for better monitoring of participation which bodes well for the much-needed platform for the times. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/zoom-video-lurches-from-boom-to-backlash-amid-privacy-issues-2020-04-01
In logistics, Carrollco is proud to support a number of third party logistics providers (3PLS) deemed essential to stocking markets with needed food, medicines and supplies. Companies like Prism Logistics with nearly 2 million square feet of warehouse logistics capacity serving Northern California and the US West went immediately into crisis management mode, amping sanitation procedures and internal/external communications in compliance with CDC recommendations and state directives: http://prismlogistics.com/2020/03/16/covid19-prism-business-continuity-plan/; Consortia from Allied Distribution http://allieddistribution.com/2020/03/19/covid-19-update/, Distribution Centers of America http://teamdca.com/2020/03/27/covid-19-impact-on-transportation-logistics-2/ did the same all across the USA, as in every case for the dozens of 3PLS involved, services continue at full capacity and adherence to strict CDC protocols.
Meetings are of course cancelled or postponed, which has impacted every industry and certainly our event management support. Giants from Facebook, Google and Salesforce are looking at digital/virtual options for their major annual events known for bringing in thousands to revel, learn, celebrate and launch product innovations. This morning, Bill Gates said on CBS This Morning that giant in-person events may NOT resume as they once were … even down the road. Food for thought for the non-profit Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), Silicon Valley/San Francisco Roundtable we support (www.cscmpsfrt.org). CSCMP Silicon Valley/SF cancelled the Spring 2020 season immediately when California’s governor declared a Shelter in Place order and is looking into virtual options for monthly events. Carrollco’s Michele Carroll is working with partners on a rescheduled 2020 Innovation Summit for the Fall – tentatively in September – as CSCMP is known for its in-person connection, learning and networking event prowess. Perhaps a hybrid format will emerge … a limited number in person with audio/visual patch-in options … Your thoughts?
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