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Carrollco Marketing has been helping clients and achieving results for more than 20 years as a company, and as individuals, for even longer!  We know people.  And they take our calls!

We’ve made ‘warm introductions’ for the ‘best and brightest innovations’ from Ireland, the UK and continental Europe, to leading executives at companies including:


CSCMP SFRT Predictions Event_Nov 2016_All Speakers

CSCMP Predictions Event 2016

(L-R) Back Row: Michele Carroll, Carrollco Marketing, Carl Guardino, CEO Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Paul Hendrycks Dir Marketing, ALOM; Mike Powell, Dir Business Development RK Logistics

Front Row Jim Miller, VP Global Operations, Google; Melonee Wise, CEO Fetch Robotics, Brian Bowers, CCO CRST Logistics, Jeff Wuendry, Velodyne LiDAR

Innovation Breakfast 2014

Innovation Breakfast 2014

Craig Cuffie (Jawbone)
Wally Sanabria (Sandisk)
Michele Carroll (Carrollco Marketing)
Mary Palafox (Red Tab Foundation)
Joel Sutherland (San Diego University SCM Institute)

Tour Solyndra

Tour Solyndra with CSCMP and Jones Lang LaSalle

Michele Carroll
Dr. Susan Cholette (SFSU)
Ellen Palmer (Sony/Shaklee)

CSCMP Inovation Breakfast 2013

Lisa Dolan (CSCMP SFRT)
Wally Sanabria (SANDISK)
Joan Motsinger (SEAGATE)
John Lowe (GOOGLE)
Terri Griffith (SCSU/Plugged-In Manager Author)
Warner de Gooijer (CISCO)

Spirit of Ireland Awards Dinner 2011

– Carrollco Table
Eric and Aidalina Sargeson (AT&T)
Karin Bellantoni (Blueprint SMS)
Michele Carroll (Carrollco)
Catherine Moore (Nokia)
Chris Moore (Apple)
Dan Dolan (Financial Telesys)
Lisa Dolan (ALOM)
Jill Buck (Go Green Initiative)
Mark Buck (Bio-Rad Laboratories)

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