Website Marketing Companies – 2011 in Review
2011 was a year of change, learning and growth for us all.
Mourning, celebration, endings and new beginnings. Knowing ‘the only thing constant is change,’ we’ve been sharpening our focus on what matters most.
Here are silver linings from this year’s journey with thanks to you for your part in it. For your support, your patience and for what’s next between us, we are grateful to you all.
Michele Carroll, President
Carrollco Marketing Services
Carrollco is proud to be helping CenterVue launch its diagnostic systems for the early detection of sight threatening pathologies in the US — helping optometrists, ophthalmologists and vision care specialists do well by doing good.
“Helping People, Helping Business”
We helped forebear Eclipse Group become the ‘Fastest Growing Consultancy in Silicon Valley’ and now serve as ‘Marketing Guru’ for Reclipse Group. Truly exciting work with fast-moving Silicon Valley leaders shaping the new economy — and helping the technology and supply chain providers that serve them become more innovative.