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CSCMP-SF Roundtable Announces Winners of Student Competition


News Release

Contact: Michele Carroll 925-980-1767

Natalie Laconsay Wins MIQ Logistics Scholarship; Alejandra Salgado Wins Roundtable’s Sponsorship to CSCMP Annual Conference in San Diego

July 21, 2015, San Francisco–Winners of the 2015 CSCMP San Francisco Roundtable scholarship competition were announced today by Michele Carroll, President of the CSCMP-SFRT. The annual supply chain industry scholarship competition, sponsored by CSCMP and MIQ Logistics, is offered to undergraduate and graduate students from the greater Bay Area preparing for careers in supply chain and logistics management.

MIQ_Logist_scholThe MIQ Logistics scholarship was won by Natalie Laconsay and pays $2,000 toward tuition and/or fees directly to her school. It also includes a paid 1-year student membership to the global CSCMP membership association ( Natalie is a senior attending CSU California Maritime Academy pursuing a B.S. degree in Business Administration, International Business and Logistics where she serves as 2016 Senior Class President.

AGC_scholorshipThe AGC Sponsorship was won by Alejandra Salgado andprovides an all-expense paid trip to the annual CSCMP Global Conference in San Diego, CA taking place September 27-30, 2015, and a paid 1-year student membership to CSCMP. Attendance at the CSCMP Global Conference is a valuable opportunity to meet and network with industry professionals. Alejandra also attends California Maritime Academy pursuing a B.S. degree in International Business and Logistics.

“This year we had a strong field of applicants for the scholarship and conference sponsorship awards from a wide array of universities, colleges and post graduate programs throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. It is wonderful to see so many talented and motivated students directing their careers into supply chain and logistics management. My congratulations to Natalie and Alejandra on this achievement.” said PJ Shelton, CSCMP San Francisco Roundtable’s VP of Academic Collaboration, who manages the annual competition and awards program.

About CSCMP Serving 9,000+ members worldwide, the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals ( is a non-profit membership association committed to connecting and educating the world’s supply chain management professionals. One of the largest and most dynamic of its 100+ Roundtables around the globe, the San Francisco CSCMP provides regular educational events, networking opportunities and a scholarship program. For more information, please

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